International Veterans Table Tennis Tournament, Stone Racket of Istria
Liebe Mitglieder von DER CLUB,
Wir wurden gebeten das Turnier vom International Veterans Table Tennis Tournament, Stone Racket of Istria, welches in Vrsar, Kroatien stattfindet vom 05. bis 09. März 2025, auf unserer Homepage zu veröffentlichen.
Dear Sirs,
We proudly present our new project. An International table tennis tournament for veterans which take place in Vrsar, Croatia under the name of Stone Racket Istria 2025.
We count on your suggestions and support as it is our New born. The destination offers everything necessary to deliver a perfect experience of such a project. In attachment, please find Prospectus in German language and below please find the link to the official web site.
In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact and herewith we provide a promo code for you: GT25, it is the code you can suggest to your clients/members when making the registration.
Thank you for support and see you in Vrsar, Croatia!
Kindest regards,
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